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Full text of "BSTJ 3: 1. January 1924: Some Applications of Statistical Methods to the Analysis of Physical and Engineering Data. (Shewhart, W.A.)"

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Some Applications of Statistical Methods to the 
Analysis of Physical and Engineering Data 


Synopsis : Whenever we measure any physical quantity we cus- 
tomarily obtain as many different values as there are observations. 
From a consideration of these measurements we must determine the 
most probable value; we must find out how much an observation may 
be expected to vary from this most probable value; and we must learn 
as much as possible of the reasons why it varies in the particular way 
that it does. In other words, the real value of physical measurements 
lies in the fact that from them it is possible to determine something of 
the nature of the results to be expected if the scries of observations 
is repeated. The best use can be made of the data if we can find from 
them the most probable frequency or occurrence of an}' observed 
magnitude of the physical quantity or, in other words, the most prob- 
able law of distribution. 

It is customary practice in connection with physical and engineering 
measurements to assume that the arithmetic mean of the observations 
is the most probable value and that the frequency of occurrence of 
deviations from this mean is in accord with the Gaussian or normal 
law of error which lies at the foundation of the theory of errors. In 
most of those cases where the observed distributions of deviations have 
been compared with the theoretical ones based on the assumption of this 
law, it has been found highly improbable that the groups of observa- 
tions could have arisen from systems of causes consistent with the 
normal law. Furthermore, even upon an a priori basis the normal law 
is a very limited case of a more generalized one. 

Therefore, in order to find the probability of the occurrence of a 
deviation of a given magnitude, it is necessary in most instances to find 
the theoretical distribution which is more probable than that given by 
the normal law. The present paper deals with the application of ele- 
mentary statistical methods for finding this best frequency distribution 
of the deviations. In other words, the present paper points out some 
of the limitations of the theory of errors, based upon the normal law, 
in the analysis of physical and engineering data ; it suggests methods 
for overcoming these difficulties by basing the analysis upon a more 
generalized law of error ; it reviews the methods for finding the best 
theoretical distribution and closes with a discussion of the magnitude 
of the advantages to be gained by either the physicist or the engineer 
from an application of the methods reviewed herein. 


WE ordinarily think of the physical and engineering sciences as 
being exact. In a majority of physical measurements this is 
practically true. It is possible to control the causes of variation so 
that the resultant deviations of the observations from their arithmetic 
mean are small in comparison therewith. In the theory of measure- 
ments we often refer to the "true value" of a physical quantity: ob- 
served deviations are considered to be produced by errors existing in 
the method of making the measurements. 



With the introduction of the molecular theory and the theory 
of quanta, it has been necessary to modify some of our older con- 
ceptions. Thus, more and more we are led to consider the problem 
of measuring any physical quantity as that of establishing its most 
probable value. We are led to conceive of the physico-chemical 
laws as a statistical determinism to which "the law of great num- 
bers" ' imparts the appearance of infinite precision. In order to 
obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the laws of nature 
it is becoming more necessary to consider not only the average value 
but also the variations of the separate observations therefrom. As 
a result, the application of the theory of probabilities is receiving 
renewed impetus in the fields of physics and physical chemistry. 

Statistical Nature of Certain Physical Problems. As typical of the 
newer type of physical problem, we may refer to certain data given by 
Prof. Rutherford and H. Geiger. 2 In this experiment the number of 
alpha particles striking, within a given interval, a screen subtending a 
fixed solid angle was counted. Two thousand six hundred and eight 
observations of this number were made. The first column of Table I 
records the number of alpha particles striking this screen within a 
given interval. The second column gives the frequency of occurrence 
corresponding to the different numbers in the first column. 

No. of Alpha Observed Frequency 

Particles of Occurrence 


1 203 

2 383 

3 525 

4 532 

5 408 

6 273 

7 139 

8 45 

9 27 

10 10 

11 4 


13 1 

14 1 

It is obviously impossible from the nature of the experiment to at- 
tribute the variations in the observed numbers to errors of observa- 
tion. Instead, the variations are inherent in the statistical nature 
of the phenomenon under observation. 

1 Each class of event eventually occurs in an apparently definite proportion 
of cases. The constancy of this proportion increases as the number of cases 

3 Philosophical Magazine, October, 1910. 


The questions which must be answered from a consideration of these 
data are typical. For example, we are interested to know how a 
second series of observations may be expected to differ if the same 
experiment were repeated. The largest observed frequency corre- 
sponds to four alpha particles, although what assurance is there that 
this is the most probable number? What is the probability that any 
given number of alpha particles will strike the screen in the same 
interval of time? Or again, what is the maximum number of alpha 
particles that may be expected to strike the screen? All of these 
questions naturally can be answered providing we can determine 
the most probable frequency distribution. 

Statistical Nature of Certain Telephone Problems. The character- 
istics of some telephone equipment cannot be controlled within 
narrow limits much better than the distribution of alpha particles 
could be controlled in the above experiment. We shall confine our 
attention primarily to a single piece of equipment. The carbon micro- 
phone. For many reasons it is necessary to attain a picture of the 
way in which a microphone operates. It is necessary to find out 
why carbon is the best known microphonic material. In order to 
do this we must measure certain physical and chemical characteristics 
of the carbon and compare these with its microphonic properties 
when used under commercial conditions. In the second place it 
becomes necessary to establish methods for inspecting manufactured 
product in order to take account of any inherent variability, and 
yet not to overlook any evidence of a "trend" in the process of manu- 
facture toward the production of a poor quality of apparatus. In 
the third place it so happens that the commercial measure of the 
degree of control exhibited in the manufacture of the apparatus 
must be interpreted ultimately in terms of sensation measures given 
by the human ear. That is, the first phase of the problem is purely 
physical; the second is one of manufacturing control and inspection 
and the third involves the study of a variable quantity by means 
of a method of measurement which in itself introduces large variations 
in the observations. 

In one of the most widely used types of microphones there are 
approximately 50,000 granules of carbon per instrument. Each of 
these granules is irregular in contour, porous and of approximately 
the size of the head of a pin. If such a group of granules is placed 
in a cylindrical lavite chamber about 5-inch in diameter and closed 
at either end with gold-plated electrodes; if this chamber is then 
placed on a suspension free from all building vibrations and carefully 
insulated from sound disturbances; if automatically controlled 



mechanical means are provided for rolling this chamber at any desired 
speed ; if all of the air and sorbed gases are removed from the carbon 
chamber and pure nitrogen is substituted; if the mean temperature is 
kept constant within 2° C ; and if means arc provided for measuring the 
resistance of the granules when at rest by observing the voltage 
across the two electrodes while current is allowed to flow for a period 
less than 1/200 of a second, it is found that the resistance (for most 
samples of carbon) may be determined within a fraction of one per 

Fig. 1 

cent. If, however, the button is rotated (even as slowly as possible) 
and then brought to rest, the resistance may differ several ohms from 
its first value. If a large number of observations are made after 
this fashion, we may expect to find for certain samples of carbon a 
set of values such as given in Fig. 1. The 270 observations of re- 
sistance reproduced in this figure were made on a sample of carbon 
at \ x /2 volts under conditions quite similar to those outlined above. 
The observed variation is from approximately 215 to 270 ohms. 
The upper curve is that of the resistance vs. the serial number of 
the readings. There is no apparent trend in the change of resistance 
from one reading to another. The lower curve in this figure shows 
the frequency histogram of the results. Attention is directed to the 



wide variation in the observations, and to the fact that the frequency 
histogram appears to be bimodal. 3 Methods of dealing with such 
distributions will be considered. 

Samples of carbon having different molecular surface structures 
have different resistances. To put it in a still more practical way, 
if the manufacturing process is not controlled within very narrow 
limits, wide variations are produced in the molecular properties ot 
the carbon. The microphonic properties of these carbons are there- 
fore different. One of the problems with which we have been con- 
cerned is to determine the relationship existing between the physical 
and chemical characteristics of the carbon and the resistance of the 
material when measured under different conditions. We are obvi- 
ously dealing in this case with problems involving the measurement 
of physical quantities which cannot be controlled even in the labora- 


/hstantmeovs Resistance r* \Zoutass 

3 oo 


H.r. - Ft».;i o, cc, ..... ........ ..... 




















- *^ 









— "^S*. 





t i 

6 I 

a 2 

4 * 

6 1 

r j 

1 4 

o 4 

« 4 

» >l 

VoLTfiqi - Volts 

Fig. 2 

3 If curves which touch the axis at + oo and — oo have more than one value 
of the variable for which the derivative of the frequency in respect to the 
variable is equal to zero — the points being other than that for which the fre- 
quency is zero — these curves are referred to as bimodal, trimodal, etc. The 
modal value is the most probable one and is of particular interest in uni- 
modal curves. 



tory. If we remove the air and measure the resistance at different 
voltages, we may expect to find changes in the resistance similar 
to those indicated in Fig. 2. Curves 1 and 2 were taken for increasing 
voltages. The return curves were taken with decreasing voltage. 
Removal of the air from this particular sample of carbon produces 
comparatively large changes in the resistance. The resistance at \Yi 
volts is several times that at 48 volts. These curves were taken 
under conditions wherein all of the other factors were controlled. A 
sufficient number of observations was made in each case in order to 
establish the probable errors of the points as indicated by the radii of 

Fig. 3 — Possible Types of Breathing of Granular Carbon Microphone. 

the circles. If this same experiment were carried on at a different 
temperature, radically different results would be obtained. 

If, instead of allowing the current to flow for a short interval of 
time, a continuous record is made of the resistance of the carbon 
while practically constant current flows through the carbon, the 
resistance will be found to vary. The maximum resistance reached 
in certain instances may amount to several times the minimum value. 
In general, this phenomenon is attributed to the effects of gas sorbed 
on the surface of the material. Transmitters cannot be made of 
lavite so that the expansions and contractions of the piece parts 
thereof augment the changes in resistance. This phenomenon, 
termed "breathing," may be, but seldom is, regular or periodic. An 
exceptional case of breathing is shown in Fig. 3. This was obtained 
with a special type of carbon in' a commercial structure. The curves 


themselves represent the current through the transmitter and, there- 
fore, are inversely proportional to the resistance. All five curves 
were obtained with the same carbon in the same chamber by varying 
merely the configuration of the granules by slightly tapping the carbon 

All of these effects can be modified to a large extent by varying 
the process of manufacture of the granular material. In practice it 
is necessary to know why slight changes in the manufacturing process 
cause large variations in the resistance characteristics of the carbon. 
The same process that improves one microphonic property may prove 
a detriment to another. It is in the solution of some of these problems 
that statistical methods have been found to be of great value in the 
interpretation of the results. 

Whereas the physicist ordinarily works in the laboratory under 
controlled conditions, the engineer must work under commercial 
conditions where it is often impractical to secure the same degree of 
control. More than 1,500,000 transmitters are manufactured every 
year by the Bell System. Causes of variation other than those intro- 
duced by the carbon help to control the transmitter. For example, 
variations may be introduced by the process of assembly, or by 
differences in the piece parts of the assembled instrument. The 
measure of the faithfulness and efficiency of reproduction depends 
fundamentally upon the human ear. Obviously all transmitters 
cannot be tested. Instead, we must choose a number of instruments 
and from observations made on these determine whether or not there 
is any trend in the manufactured product. Naturally we may expect 
to find certain variations in the results according to the rules of chance. 
To take the simplest illustration, we may flip a coin 6 times. Even 
if it is symmetrical we may expect occasionally to find all heads and 
occasionally all tails, although the most probable combination is 
that of 3 heads and 3 tails. We must, therefore, determine first of all 
whether or not the observed variations are consistent with those due 
to sampling according to the laws of chance. If there is an apparent 
trend in product, the data should be analyzed in order to determine, 
if possible, whether it is clue to lack of control in the manufacture 
of carbon or to some other set of causes such as mentioned above. 
Because of economic reasons we must keep the number of observations 
at a minimum consistent with a satisfactory control of the product. 
Here again it has been found that the application of statistical methods 
is necessary to the solution of the problems involved. 

Before considering the problem of the measurement of efficiency 
and quality of the transmitter, let us consider the schematic diagram 



of the telephone system as shown in Fig. 4. Essentially this consists 
of the transmitter, the line and the receiver. The oldest method 
of measurement is to compare one transmitter against a standard 
in the following way. An observer calls first in the standard and 
then in the test transmitter, while another observer at the receiving 
end judges the faithfulness of reproduction. The pressure wave 
striking the transmitter diaphragm varies with the observer and also 
with the degree of mechanical coupling between the sound source 


Fig. 4 


and the diaphragm of the instrument. The judgment of the observer 
at the receiving end in influenced by physiological and psychological 
causes. Obviously it is desirable that such a method be supplanted 
by a machine test which will eliminate the variabilities in the sound 
source and in the human ear. Up to the present time the nature of 
speech and the characteristics of the human ear are not known suffi- 
ciently well to establish either an ideal sound source or an electrical 
meter to replace the human voice and ear respectively. The best that 
can be done is to approximate this condition. Even though the 
meter readings may be the same, the simultaneous observations 
made with the ear in general will be different. A calibration of the 
machine must, therefore, depend upon a study of the degree of correla- 
tion between the average measure given by the machine and that 
given by the older method of test. 

Thus, we see how special problems arise in the fields of both physics 
and engineering wherein it is impossible to control the variations. 
In what way, if any, are these problems related, or is it necessary to 
attack each one in a different manner? We shall see that all of 
these problems are in a way fundamentally the same and that the 
same method of solution can be applied to all of them. This is true 
because it is necessary to determine in every instance the law of 
distribution of the variable about some mean value. 


Why Do We Need to Know the Law of Deviation of the 
Different Observations About Some Mean Value? 

In all of the above problems as in every physical and engineering 
one, certain typical questions arise which can be answered only if we 
know the law of distribution y=f(_x) of the observations where y 
represents the frequency of occurrence of the deviations x from some 
mean value. At least three of these questions are the same for both 
fields of investigation. 4 

Let us consider the physical problem. From a group of n observa- 
tions of the magnitude of a physical quantity, we obtain in general n 
distinct values which can be represented by X\, X 2 , . . . X n . From 
a study of these we must answer the following questions : 

1. What is the most probable value? 

2. What is the frequency of occurrence of values within any two 

3. Is the set of observations consistent with the assumption of a 
random system of causes? 

The answers to these questions are necessary for the interpretation 
of Prof. Rutherford's data referred to above: They are required in 
order to interpret the data presented in Fig. 1 which are typical of 
physical and chemical problems arising in carbon study; these same 
answers are fundamentally required in the analysis of all physical data. 
These questions can be answered from a study of the frequency dis- 
tribution. If this be true, it is obvious that the statistical methods 
of finding the best distribution are of interest to the physicist. 

Let us next consider the engineering problem where we shall see 
that the same questions recur. Assuming that manufacturing 
methods are established to produce a definite number of instruments 
within a fixed period, one or more of the characteristics of these 
instruments must be controlled. We may represent any one of 
these characteristics by the symbol X. The total number of instru- 
ments that will be manufactured is usually very indefinite. It is, 
however, always finite. Even with extreme care some variations 
in the methods of manufacture may be expected which will produce 

' !n order to calibrate the machine referred to in a preceding paragraph 
and also to determine the relationships between the physico-chemical and micro- 
phonic properties of carbon, it was necessary to study the correlation between 
two or more variables, but in each case it was necessary to determine first the 
law of distribution for each variable in order to interpret the physical signifi- 
cance of the measures of correlation because this depends upon the laws of 
distribution. The reason for this is not discussed in the present paper, for 
attention is here confined to the method of establishing the best theoretical 
frequency distribution derived from a study of the observations. 


variations from instrument to instrument in the quantity X. After 
the manufacturing methods have been established, the first problem 
is to obtain answers to the following questions: 

1. What is the most probable value of XI 

2. What is the percentage of instruments having values of X 
between any two limits? 

3. Are the causes controlling the product random, or are thev 
correlated? B 

In this practical case we must decide to choose a certain number 
of instruments in order to obtain the answers to these questions; 
that is, to obtain the most probable frequency distribution. We 
must, however, go one step further. We must choose ;i certain 
number of instruments at stated periods in order to determine whether 
or not the product is changing. How big a sample shall we choose 
in the first place, and how large shall the periodic samples be? Obvi- 
ously it is of great economic importance to keep the sample number 
in any case at a minimum required to establish within the required 
degree of precision the answers to the questions raised. 

The close similarity between the physical and engineering problems 
must be obvious. Naturally, then, we need not confine ourselves 
in the present discussion to a consideration of only the problems 
arising in connection with the study of those microphonic properties 
of carbon which gave rise to the present investigation. Several 
examples are therefore chosen from fields other than carbon study. 
However only those points which have been found of practical ad- 
vantage in connection with the analysis of more than 500,000 observa- 
tions will be considered. 

The type of inspection problem may be illustrated by the data 
given in Table II. 

The symbol X refers to the efficiency of transmitters as determined 
in the process of inspection : N represents the number of instruments 
measured in order to obtain the average value X. The first four 
rows of data represent the results obtained by four inspection groups 
G\, Go, G 3 and G\. The results given are for the same period of time. 
The next three rows are those for different machines Mi, M 2 and M 3 . 
The last row gives the results of single tests on 68,502 transmitters, a 
part of which was measured on each of the three machines. The third 
column in the table gives the standard deviations. It will be observed 

6 The significance of this question will become more evident in the course of 
the paper. We shall find that, if the causes are such as to he technically termed 
random, we can answer all practical questions with a far greater degree of 
precision than we can if the causes are not random. 


Inspection Data on Transmitters 



















. 739 

. 0533 


- .214 

- .949 

- .109 










M 2 
M 3 




. 0386 




- .70 

- .84 

- .56 







1, 2, 3 





- .80 






that comparatively large differences exist between the averages 
obtained for different groups of transmitters by different groups of 
observers. Similarly, comparatively large variations exist in these 
averages even when taken by the machines (the large difference 
between the sensation and machine measures is due to a difference 
in the standard used, corrections for which are not made in this table). 
Are these differences significant? Is product changing? That is, 
are the manufacturing methods being adequately controlled? Are 
these results consistent with a random variation in the causes con- 
trolling manufacture? These are the questions that were raised in 
connection with the interpretation of these data. The ordinary 
theory of errors gives us the following answer. It will be recalled 
that the standard deviation (or the root mean square deviation) of the 

average ox is equal to ■ /-=•" Also, from the table of the normal 

probability integral we find that the fractional parts of the area 
within certain ranges are as follows: For the ranges X±a, X±2a, 
and X±Zff, we have the percentages 68.268, 95.450, and 99.730 
respectively. Obviously, it is highly improbable that the difference 
between averages should be greater than three times the standard 
deviation of the average, providing we assume that all of the samples 
were drawn from the same universe: In other words, that all of the 
samples were manufactured under the same random conditions. 
The fourth column, then, indicates practical limits to the variations 
in the averages. It is obvious, therefore, that the differences between 
the averages are larger than could have been expected, if the same 
system of causes controlled the different groups of observations. In 
other words the differences are significant and must be explained. 


Why do these variations exist? We shall show in the course of 
the discussion that the normal law is not sufficient to answer these 
questions. We shall show also that the variations noted are largely 
the result of the method of sampling used at that time. The sig- 
nificance of the other factors given in this table is discussed later. 

Why Is the Application of the Normal Law Limited? 

Why can we not assume that the deviations follow the normal law 
of error? This is 

I Syx 2 
where a is the root mean square error ■*] — - — and y is the frequency 

\ n 

of occurrence of the deviation x from the arithmetic mean and n is 

the number of observations? If they do, the answers to all of the 

questions raised in the preceding paragraphs can be easily answered 

in a way which is familiar to all acquainted with the ordinary theory 

of errors and the method of least squares. This is an old and much 

debated question in the realm of statistics. Let us review briefly 

some of the a posteriori and a priori reasons why the normal law has 

gained such favor and yet why it is one of the most limited, instead 

of the most general, of the possible laws. 

A Posteriori Reasons. The original method of explaining the 
normal law rests upon the assumption that the arithmetic mean 
value of the observations is always the most probable. Since expe- 
rience shows that the observed arithmetic mean seldom satisfies the 
condition of being the most probable we may justly question the 
law based upon an apparently unjustified assumption. 

Gauss first enunciated this law which is often called by his name. 
The fact that so great a mathematician proposed it led many to 
accept it. He assumes that the frequency of occurrence of a given 
error is a function of the error. The probability that a given set of 
n observations will occur is the product of the probabilities of the n 
independent events. He then assumes that the arithmetic mean is 
the most probable and finds the equation of the normal law. Thus 
he assumes the answer to the first question; that is, he assumes that 
the most probable value is always the arithmetic mean. In most 
physical and engineering measurements the deviations from the 
arithmetic mean are small, and the number of observations is not 
sufficiently large to determine whether or not they are consistent 


with the assumption of the normal law. Under these conditions this 
law is perhaps as good an approximation as any. 

The fundamental assumptions underlying the original explanation 
were later brought into question. What a priori reason is there for 
assuming that the arithmetic mean is the most probable value? Why 
not choose some other mean? 6 Thus if we assume that the median 7 
value is the most probable, we obtain as a special case the law of 
error represented by the following equation : 


-ii«-*M (2) 

where y represents the frequency of occurrence of the deviation x from 
the median value and e is the Naperian base of logarithms. Both 
A and h are constants. If, however, we assume that the geometric 
mean is the most probable, we have as a special case the law of error 
represented by the following equation : 

y= A e -h* (log X -log a)* (3) 

where in this case y is the frequency of occurrence of an observation 
of magnitude X, "a" is the true value, and A and h are constants. 8 

Enough has been said to indicate the significance of the assumption 
that the arithmetic mean is the most probable value, but, why choose 
this instead of some other mean? No satisfactory answer is available. 
So far as the author has been able to discover, no distribution represent- 
ing physical data has even been found which approaches the median 
law. Several examples have been found in the study of carbon 
which conform to the Taw of error derived upon the assumption that 
the geometric mean is the most probable. If the arithmetic mean 
were observed to be the most probable in a majority of cases, we 
might consider this an a posteriori reason for accepting the normal 
law. We find the contrary to be the case. 

Furthermore, we find in general that the distribution of errors is 
non-symmetrical about the mean value. In fact, most of the distri- 
butions which are given in textbooks dealing with the theory of 
errors and the method of least squares to illustrate the universality 

"An average or mean value may he defined as a quantity derived from a 
given set of observations by a process such that if the observations became all 
equal, the average will coincide with the observations, and if the observations 
are not all equal, the average is greater than the least and less than the greatest. 

7 If a series of n observations are arranged in ascending order of magnitude, 
the median value is that corresponding to the observation occurring midway 
between the two ends of the series. 

•.' A very interesting discussion of the various laws that may be obtained by 
assuming different mean values is given in J. M. Keynes' "A Treatise on the 
Theory of Probability." 



of the law are, themselves, inconsistent with the assumption of such 
a law. Prof. Pearson was one of the first to point out this fact. He 
considers among others an example originally given by Merriman 9 
in which the observed distribution is that of 1,000 shots fired at a 
target. The theoretical normal is the solid line in Fig. 5 and the 

m r 


ma MmW&Ml 

..ABM iiinli 

(fiffi nutJT 

n; B : | I3T i ma . 

sHwt mm iPtfiiti* ml 
MM '■ PW Bffllffl 

=$fe; nP£ iODBliaoc 

Hrffifl IBBDBi 

_S7T IhH ■£.= (J333 

liliiBJUi' AiiiiMBjJij 


co(t*eepo«s Atom 
oo»wre»*e*j nrm 

Fig. 5 

observed frequencies are the small circles. When represented in this 
way there appears to be a wide divergence between theory and ex- 
perience. Of course, some divergence may always be expected as 
a result of variations due to sampling; and, too, we must always 
question a judgment based entirely upon visual observation 10 of a 
graphical representation of this character. Prof. Pearson uses his 
method — which will be discussed later — for measuring the goodness 
of fit between the theoretical and observed distributions. He ll 
finds that a fit as bad or worse than that observed could have been 
expected to occur on an average of only 15 to 16 times in ten million. 
We must conclude, therefore, that these data are not consistent 
with the assumption of a universal normal law. 

A Priori Reasons. From the physicist's viewpoint the origin of 
the Gaussian law may be explained upon a more satisfactory basis. 

■ "Method of Least Squares," Eighth Edition — Page 14. 

10 This point will be emphasized later : — first, by showing that these data 
appear consistent with a normal law when plotted on probability paper, and 
second, by showing that some frequency distributions appear normal when 
plotted even though they are not. The other data in this table will be re- 
ferred to later. 

11 Reference to the original article and a quotation therefrom given in the 
eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica on the article "Probability." 


It is that which was originally suggested by La Place. If, however, 
we accept this explanation, we must accept the fact that the normal 
law is the exception and not the rule. Let us consider why this is 
true. 12 

This method of explanation rests upon the assumption that the 
normal law is the first approximation to the frequencies with which 
different values will be assumed by a variable quantity whose varia- 
tions are controlled by a large number of independent causes acting 
in random fashion. Let us assume that : 

a. The resultant variation is produced by n causes. 

b. The probability p that a single cause will produce an effect A x 
is the same for all of the causes. 

c. The effect A x is the same for all of the causes. 

d. The causes operate independently one of the other. 

Under these assumptions the frequency distribution of deviations of 
0, 1, 2 ... n positive increments can be represented by the successive 
terms of the point binomial N(q+p) n where N represents the total 
number of observations. 

Under these conditions if p = q and « = «, the ordinates of the 
binominal expansion can be closely approximated by a normal curve 
having the same standard deviation. These restrictions are indeed 
narrow. In practice it is probable that p is never equal to q, and it 
is certain that n is never infinite. Therefore, the normal distribution 
should be the exception and not the rule. 

There is a more fundamental reason, however, why we should 
seldom expect to find an observed distribution which is consistent 
with the normal law. In what has preceded we have assumed that 
each cause produced the same effect A x, and that the total effect in 
any instance is proportional to the number of successes. 

Let us assume that the resultant effect is, in general, a function of 
the number n of causes producing positive effects, that is, let X = <f>(n). 
Thus we assume that the frequency distributions of the number of 
causes and of the occurrence of a magnitude X are respectively 

y =/(») 


for two values of n, say n and n+dn, there will be two values of X, 
say X and X-j-dX. The number of observations within this interval 
of n must be the same as that within the corresponding interval of X. 

"Bowley "Elements of Statistics," Part II. 


If the distribution in X is normal such that we have 

1 (*-«)' 

ff "S 

yi= —7= e 2a ~ ' 

1 [0(H) "«] a 

;y= — ^=0'(n)e 2J— (4) 

where a is the arithmetic mean value, therefore, the distribution 
of the causes need not be normal; conversely if the causes are dis- 
tributed normally, the observations will not in general be normal. 

This idea is of great importance in the interpretation of observed 
distributions of physical data. 13 To illustrate, let us assume that the 
natural causes which affect the growth of apples on a given tree 
produce a normal variation in the diameters of the apples. Obviously, 
the distribution of either the cross-sectional areas or the volumes 
will not be normal. 14 . If the distribution of the diameters is normal 
as supposed, the arithmetic means of these diameters is the most 
probable value. Obviously, however, neither the arithmetic mean 
area nor the arithmetic mean volume will be the most probable, 
because in general 

^f(X)^=f(~^X) t (5) 


As already indicated, the deviations dealt with in the present investi- 
gation were not small. The form of the observed distribution may 
be expected, therefore, to depend upon the functional relationship 
between the observed quantity and the number of causes. We shall 

" Kapteyn, J. C. — Skew Frequency Curves — Groningen, 1903. 

14 In the theory of errors this fact is taken into account by assuming that 
the variations arc always small. Thus, if the variable X can be represented as 
a function /' of certain other variables U\, b'--, . . . Um so that we have 

X=F(U 1 , U tl ... Um), 

we ordinarily assume that we can write this expression in the following form 

X = F(ax + Mi, fl 2 + 1k, ... a m -\-u m ). 

A further assumption is made that the it's are small so that 2nd and higher 
powers and products of these can be neglected. Under these conditions the 
distribution of X is normal and has a standard deviation given by the following 
expression : 

But, thus, we arc led to overlook the significance of the form of F, particularly 
in those practical cases such as are of interest in the present paper where the 
quantities u,, u 2 , ... u m are not small. 



illustrate the significance of these ideas as an aid in the interpretation 
of data by reference to the results of our study of the law of error of 
the human ear in measuring the efficiency of transmitters. 

Let us consider the problem of determining the minimum audible 
sound intensity. Let us assume that there are n physiological and 
psychological causes controlling this sensation measure, and that the 
probabilities of the causes producing 0, 1, 2 . . . n effects are dis- 

feceucrJcr OisreigyriON t>- 710 Oaxetrir.tra 

Knee 70 OcTEeninc Mintrivm #ovibl£ 
So/no IriTCrtfs/ry 













19 . 















■ Zd 

+ ■> 


16 7 

IS 9 

16 Z 




















« CL*99 »rr£evSL9 

ft, =■ oo*a 

<% - . 09/ f 
T. -.104 

Fig. 6 

tributed normally. Because of these differences in human ears 
different amounts of sound energy arc required to produce minimum 
audible sensations. What is the distribution of energies? 

The data are given in Fig. 6. These have been previously reported 
by Fletcher and Wegel of this laboratory. 15 The method of making 
these measurements was described in their original papers. It is 
sufficient to recall that the results are given in terms of pressures in 
dynes per square centimeter. Seven hundred and ten observations 
covering the frequency range of from GO to 8,000 cycles are included. 
The data include results for both cars of 14 women and 20 men, and 
one ear only for two women and two men. Only ears that had been 
medically inspected as being physiologically normal were selected. 
These results, therefore, include variations in the observations of a 
single observer with those of different observers. 

The natural logarithms of the intensities were added and the 
average of these was obtained. The distribution of the natural 

11 Fletcher, H. and Wegel, R. L. — Proceedings of the National Academy of 
Science — Vol. VIII, pp. 5 — 6, January, 1922. 
Physical Review, Vol. XIX, pp. 550 seq. 1922. 


logarithms of the intensities is given in the second column of the 
table in Fig. 6. The smooth line is the normal curve based upon the 
observed value of standard deviation. The distribution of the 
logarithms of the intensities is normal. 16 The arithmetic mean of 
the logarithms is the most probable. Therefore, the distribution 
of intensities is decidedly skew, and the geometric mean intensity is 
the most probable. Here, then, is an excellent example in which 
it is highly probable that the distribution of the causes is random 
and normal, but in which the resultant effect is not a linear function 
of the number of causes. 17 

Can We Ever Expect to Find a Normal Distribution 

in Nature? 

The answer is affirmative. If the resultant effect of the inde- 
pendent causes is proportional to their number, the distribution 
rapidly approaches normality as the number of causes is increased 
even though p=f=q. 

To show this, let us assume that the variation in a physical quan- 
tity is produced by 100 causes, and that each cause produces the 
same effect Ax. Also, let us assume the probability p to be 0.1, that 
each cause produces a positive effect. The distribution of 0, 1, 2, . . . n 
successes in 1000 trials is given by the terms of the expansion 1000 
(.9 + .1) 100 . Obviously such a distribution is skew, p is certainly 
not equal to q, and n is far from being infinite. If the normal law 

18 In fact this is an exceptionally close approximation to the normal law. 
This will be more evident after we have considered the methods for measuring 
the goodness of fit as indicated by the other calculations given in this figure. 
For the present it is sufficient to know that approximately 75 times out of 100 
we must expect to get a system of observations which differ as much or more 
from the theoretical distribution calculated from the normal law than the ob- 
served distribution differs therefrom in this case. The fact that the second 
approximation docs not fit the observed distribution as well as the normal — 
i.e. the measure of probability of fit P is less — indicates that the observed value 
of the skewncss k is not significant. 

"These results are of particular interest to telephone engineers. The fact 
that the distribution of the logarithms of the intensities is normal is consistent 
with the assumption of Fechner's law which states that the sensation is pro- 
portional to the logarithm of the stimulus. The range of variation (that is, 
X =*= 3 a ) in different observers' estimates of the sound intensity required to 
produce the minimum audible sensation is approximately 20 miles. The range 
of error of estimate depends upon the intensity of sound and decreases as the 
sound energy level increases. Thus for the average level which prevails for 
transmission over the present form of telephone system in a three mile loop 
common battery circuit it is less than 9 miles. Even at this intensity, however, 
it is obvious that although scarcely any observers will differ in their estimates 
by more than 9 miles, 50% of them will differ by at least 2 miles. These 
results also furnish experimental basis for the statement made in the beginning 
of this paper: that is, the variations introduced in the method of measurement 
of transmitter efficiencies are large in comparison with the average efficiency. 





O ~ O 

'p. c 

-a 2-2 „ 

< c 

o « 

* i-* 1 *-* 

3 3 


-H"1 , 0!X-1 , T*<OOOrOt^'«l<'-"iO'*5>OONOtNC-JC^roOOOOOOgOOr- 

Ol^'OMNOO»00-lCONOi l OOO-lNMOHlONHOvO«'')>00> , Ot l tN'"0 

H •* C "I M NOOifliOOf) rtioO(NN'HOv>OlO''5N'-i CO 

^H rt ,-H rt <-H ^H lO 

O NN *h cs cs ?0 co ^J r-4 ■**< ^ O; 

_iO ooooo o o o o o o _ CO 


ioo>o>0'-o^'N'-inONMi^-l'oo-^ooce"* co 

oNMino-HNiNOH^-gHiNOOOMO °° 


O")O 1 0M'0'O^ lf lO00OiNM''l | ')WNN00MOO O 

O SON'fl'f-t^OONtO'OHOOHNtO'j'tOINH'-N —I 


in-hC^ — OO O_O00_--r-i--^Or-l —J 


© i^ o o -- ioi>o- j -^«-t'i | 0'i»'*in«ifl^N030 £} 

0-^)lflHHON^'0''ONCOfO^I'-il'lNNOOOO CO 

N-tano^O'*^NNON't"nMOO'omi»oiOH os 

OO\NHOi0vMf)'-iO00f0'- | NO0M^i')iOOO'l , Ov , *>Ot , 1i')O>>O') l M'- |l 'l-1< 

^'ioio"*ao»*to-<0'Oo^'-"iovO'ON'-i 2° 

„ — _ _ s 

N-00")C10l^-t-<W)^50fOONOvO'')M'-l 2°^ 

•H rt .-H r-l O O 

OOH'-iM*O00OCMfl«0>H00 00 00OiHMO«l*NOOOOOOOO«O 


«-"rOSOCO'0'4 , OOiOf v l>0 00-t ,M 5COCOr'J'— 5-— 

•-irO'OCO'-i' v 3 r O'- , l^l^- lr » r '5' _l ' _l 

I fv| ", -f IT, O I- 





c- o o 





were fitted to such a distribution, would it be possible to detect easily 
any great difference between theory and observation? 

Let us compare the two distributions. The data are given in 
Table III. First, the average value must be the most probable in 
order to be consistent with the normal law. It is, because the observed 
most probable value corresponds to 10 successes, and the average of 


Fig. 7 

the hypothetically observed distribution is 9.998. This under ordi- 
nary circumstances would be considered a close check between theory 
and practice. 

The normal distribution is given in the third column of the table. 
Even though there is a difference between the frequencies given in 
the second and third columns, would the average observer be apt to 
conclude that the hypothetically observed distribution is other than 
normal? He would probably base his answer upon a graphical 
comparison such as given in Fig. 7. The solid line represents the 
normal curve; whereas the frequencies given in the second column 
of Table III are represented by circles. It is obvious that the normal 
law appears to be a very close approximation to the terms of the 
binomial expansion. 

Thus we see that for even a small number of causes the difference 
between p and q may be quite large, and yet the difference between 
the distributions given by the binomial expansion and that given by 
the normal law is apparently small and not easily to be detected by 
ordinary methods. As ;/ increases the closeness of fit does likewise. 



If p is equal to q, the number of causes must be very small indeed 
before we are able to detect the difference between the terms of the 
binomial expansion and those given by the normal law. To show 
that this is true I have chosen a case corresponding to a physical 
condition where there are only 16 causes and where p is equal to q. 
The data are given in Table IV. 


Normal Law 


C5 + .5) 16 

with same <r 




. 0000669 




















. 1745605 



. 1963806 



. 1745605 

. 1760326 


. 1220825 



















. 0000669 

Obviously, therefore, the limitations imposed by the assumptions 
as to the number of causes and the equality of p and q are not as 
important as they might at first appear. It is probable that this is 
one of the reasons why we find approximately normal distributions. 
If, however, p is sufficiently small, the difference between the observed 
distribution and that consistent with the normal law can easily be 
detected. We shall show in a later section that this is true for Ruther- 
ford's data. 1 " 

Is There a Universal Law of Error ? 

Obviously from what has already been said, the normal law is not a 
universal law of nature. It is probable that no such law exists. We 
do, however, have certain laws which are more general than the 
normal. We shall consider briefly some of these types in an effort to 
indicate the advantages that can be gained by an application of them 
to physical data. 

" Loc. cit. 


Binomial Expansion (p+q) n . We have already seen that the 
distribution is approximately normal when p = q and w = °° . Following 
Edgeworth 19 , Bowley 20 shows that if p=£q but « = »the frequency 
y of the occurrence of a deviation of magnitude x is given by the 
following expression where k represents the skewness 2l of the 
distribution : 

v = 

This will be referred to as the second approximation. 

If p is very small, but pn = \ is finite, we have the so-called law of 
small numbers 22 which was first derived by Poisson. The successive 

terms of the series e~M 1+XH \- — +.... J represent the chances of 

0, 1, 2 ... n successes. Theoretically, if we are dealing with a dis- 
tribution of attributes, 23 it is always possible to calculate the values of 

"Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. XX, 1904, pp. 36-65 and 113-141. 

"Loc. cit. 

21 In statistical work the practice is followed of using the moments of the 
distribution for determining the parameters of the frequency curve. The i th 
moment Pi of a frequency distribution about the arithmetic mean is by definition 

In calculating such moments it is necessary to consider the observations as 
grouped about the mid-point of the class interval and unless this interval is 
very small certain errors are introduced which can be partially eliminated by 
applying Sheppard's corrections as given by him in Biometrika, Vol. Ill, pages 
308 seq. If Ax be taken as unity, we have 

" 1=0 n - i q ~ p 

H2 = pqn=a- ypqii 

im = pqn(q—p) l-6pq 

H=3(pqn)*+pnq(l-6pq) &i ~ pgn 

and if /> is approximately equal to q and n is large we have ak = \ rv and 


°to = M 



M It is of interest to note that several investigators have derived this law 
independently. Thus H. Bateman derives this expression in an appendix to 
the article of Prof. Rutherford and H. Geiger previously referred to. This 
is, in a way, an illustration of the apparent need of a broader dissemination of 
information relating to the application of statistical methods of analysis to 
engineering and physical data. It is also of interest to note that this law has 
been used to advantage in the discussion of telephone trunking problems. 

~ 3 If the classification is based upon the presence or absence of a single 
characteristic, this characteristic is often referred to as an attribute. 


p, q and n from the moments of the distribution. 24 Even when p, 
q and n are known, the arithmetic involved in calculating the terms of 
the binomial is often prohibitive, and, therefore, it is necessary to 
obtain certain approximations corresponding to the three laws of 
error; that is, normal, second approximation, and the law of small 
numbers. Tables for the normal law and for the law of small numbers 
are readily available in many places, while those for the second ap- 
proximation are given by Bowley. 25 

Even under conditions where the binomial expansion does not hold, 
Edgeworth has shown that it is possible to obtain the following general 
approximation : 

1 / x 2 \r, k (x x 3 \ .k°-f 5 5.t 2 5x 4 x 6 \ 

-K^K- 2 ^)]. m 

This holds providing the observations are influenced by a large number 
of causes, each of which varies according to some law of error but 
not necessarily to the normal law. 

Gram-Charlier Series. Gram, according to Fisher, 26 was the first 
to show that the normal law is a special case of a more generalized 
system of skew frequency curves. He showed that the arbitrary 
frequency function F{X) can be represented by a series of terms in 
which the normal law is the generating function (X). Thus 

F(X)=c <t>(X)+c 1 4>'(X)+c 2 <t>"(X)+ ... (8) 

where c , c u c 2 , etc., are constants which may be determined from the 
moments of the observed data. This series is similar to that already 
mentioned in the above equation (7) which Edgeworth has obtained 
in several different ways. This law is of interest from the viewpoint 
of either a physicist or an engineer in so far as it gives him a picture 
of the casual conditions consistent with an accepted theoretical 
curve. Thus, if either the causes of variation are within a certain 
degree not entirely independent, or the errors are not linearly ag- 
gregated, the observed frequency distributions may be expected to 
conform to an equation such as 8. This equation has been found to 
fit a much larger group of observed distributions than the normal law 

21 See footnote 26. 

:s See for example Pearson, K— Tables for Biometricians and Statisticians— 
Cambridge University Press. 
""Fisher, Arne— Theory of Probabilities— page 182. 


and the publication of the necessary tables by Fisher 27 and Glover 28 
makes the study of such a curve more feasible. The author finds, for 
example, that this series furnishes a much closer fit to the distribu- 
tion of shots, Fig. 5, referred to above than any other that he has 

Theoretically we should be able to improve the approximation by 
taking a large number of terms of the series. Such a procedure, 
however, involves the use of moments higher than the first four, 
and the errors in these moments are so large as to make their use 

In spite of the uncertainty attached to the interpretation of the 
physical significance of fitting any of these curves to data, one very 
practical observation has been made : that is, if an observed series of 
frequencies could not be fitted by a theoretical curve in any of the 
ways already mentioned, careful consideration of the possible reasons 
for the observed poor fit have in practically every instance suggested 
the cause or causes thereof. We shall refer to only one practical 

The data have already been given above in Table II. It has been 
noted that in this instance the variations in the averages of groups 
of several thousand observations showed that the differences were 
significant. If the observed distributions had been normal, it would 
have been necessary to assume either that the methods of making 
the measurements were different for the different groups of observers, 
and for the different machines, or that the manufacturing methods 
were experiencing a trend. Although the observed frequency curves 
for the different groups were found to be smooth, the observed fre- 
quencies could not be readily fitted by any curve previously de- 
scribed. This naturally led to a search for the existence of any one 
of a number of causes affecting the observations which might produce 
such a divergence between theory and practice. One by one these 
causes were found and eliminated and as they were the degree of fit 
between the results of theory and practice increased. For example, 
it was found that some of the groups of observations were for trans- 
mitters assembled from only two or three lots of carbon. Trans- 
mitters assembled from one lot of carbon had a different average 
efficiency from those assembled from another lot. Naturally the 

'' Fisher, Arne — Loc. cit. As noted by Mr. Fisher, page 214, the values of 
<t> (.v) and its first 6 derivatives to 7 decimal places for values of x up to 4 
and progressing by intervals of 0.01 were given by Jorgensen in his "Frekvens- 
flader og Korrelation." 

" 5 Glover, J. W. — Tables of Compound Interest, Functions, etc, — 1923 Edition 
published by George Wahr, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 


resultant distribution was a compound of a few separate but similar 
distributions about different averages. When the distributions of 
the efficiencies of the different lots of carbon were determined separ- 
ately they were found to be consistent with the second approximation. 

Thus, although it may be impossible to conclude that the a priori 
assumptions underlying a given law of distribution are fulfilled because 
the observations are found to be consistent therewith, nevertheless, 
the fact that the observed and the theoretical distributions do not 
agree suggests the necessity of seeking for certain typical causes 
which may be expected to introduce such discrepancies. This point 
is of special importance in connection with the study of ways of 
sampling product in order to determine whether or not the manu- 
facturing process is subject to trends. Thus, if a product is sampled 
at two periods, and the distributions of both groups of observations 
are found to be random about different averages, it is highly probable 
that the difference indicates a trend in the manufacturing methods, 
providing the difference between the averages is greater than 3 times 
the standard deviation of the average. When, however, the two 
distributions are found to be inconsistent with a random system of 
causes, it is quite probable that the condition of sampling has not been 
carefully controlled. 

Hypergeometric Series. Pearson has shown several ways in which 
a frequency distribution may be represented by a hypergeometric 
series. Thus the chances of getting r, r— 1, . . . bad transmitters 
from a lot containing pn bad and qn good and where r instruments 
are drawn at a time may be represented by the terms of such a series. 
More important, however, is Pearson's solution 29 of what he calls 
the fundamental problem of statistics. He shows, following the line 
of reasoning similar to that originally suggested by Bayes, that if in 
a sample of k\ = (m + n) trials, an event has been observed to occur m 
times and to fail n times, in a second group of k 2 trials the chances 
of the event occurring r times and failing s times are given by the 
successive terms of a hypergeometric series. We cannot consider 
here the questions underlying the justification of this method of 
solution, for, as is well-known, the application of Bayes' theorem is 
questioned by many statisticians. We can profit, however, by the 
broad experience of Prof. Pearson, for he has apparently accumulated 
an abundance of data which are consistent with the theory. 

The answer to this problem s of special importance in connection 
with the inspection of product which in many instances runs into 
millions yearly. We must keep the cost of inspection at a minimum, 

=* Pearson, IC— Biomctrika, October, 1920— pp. 1-16. 


which means that the sample numbers must be small, and yet we see 
from the solution derived from Pearson the significance of the sizes of 
both the original and the second sample. Thus, he 30 shows that the 
standard deviation <r is given by the equation 

o» = * 2 /> ff (l+£). (9) 

Multimodal Distributions. These occur frequently in engineering 
work and particularly in connection with the inspection of large 
quantities of apparatus. One such instance has already been referred 
to in the discussion of the data given in Table II, and another is 
illustrated by the data given in Fig. 1. Prof. Pearson 3l has developed 
a method for determining analytically whether or not the observed 
distribution is such as may be expected to have arisen from the com- 
bination of two normal components, the mean values of which are 
different. The method involves the solution of a ninth degree equa- 
tion. As a result, the arithmetic work is in many cases prohibitive. 
This method cannot be applied to the data given in Fig. 1 primarily 
because the number of observations is not sufficiently great. 

Pearson's Closed Type Curves. 32 One of the best known statistical 
methods for graduating data is that developed by Prof. Pearson. His 
system of closed type curves arises from the solution of the differ- 
ential equation derived upon the assumption that the distribution 
is uni-modal and touches the axis when y = 0. In the hands of Pearson 
and his school great success has been attained in graduating data 
collected from widely different fields, although primarily from these 
of biology, psychology, and economics. The choice of curve to 
represent a given distribution rests primarily upon a consideration 
of a criterion involving two constants, /3i=v& and /3 2 , both of which 
have been defined previously in footnote 21. 

In the early study of the distributions of efficiencies of product 
transmitters an attempt was made to apply this system of curves. 
For example, the Pearson types are indicated in Table II. In no 
instance, however, was it possible to obtain a very satisfactory fit 
between the observed and the theoretical distributions. Further- 
more, the arithmetical work required to calculate a theoretical dis- 
tribution in this way is excessive. We must also consider what 
physical significance can be attached to the different types of curves. 
The answer is not definite. Under certain conditions the generalized 

so Pearson, K.— Philosophical Magazine— 1907, pp. 365-378. 
"Pearson, K.— Philosophical Magazine— -Vol. 1, 1901, pp. 1 15-119. 
" Elderton — Frequency Curves and Correlation. 


equation of Pearson breaks down to the normal law and the second 
approximation. These, of course, can be explained as previously. 
The fundamental equation, however, serves to cover the condition 
where the causes are correlated. Thus, because of the lack of a 
clear conception of the physical significance of the observed varia- 
tions in the type of curves indicated in Table II, it was not possible 
easily to set up experiments to find the causes of these variations. 
For this reason preference has been given to the use of frequency 
distributions derived upon a less empirical basis following the original 
lines laid down by La Place, Edgeworth, Kapteyn, and others previ- 
ously referred to. Another very practical reason for choosing the 
latter type of curve is that it involves for the most part the use of 
only the first three moments of the distribution instead of the first 
four required for differentiating between the Pearson types. In 
those cases where the interest is less of physical interpretation than 
of graduating an observed set of data, preference may go to the more 
generalized system of Pearson. 

How Can We Choose the Best Theoretical Frequency 

We have already briefly reviewed some of the different methods 
for obtaining a theoretical frequency distribution from a consider- 
ation of the moments of the observed frequencies. We have seen in 
Table III that by using different methods we obtain different degrees 
of approximation to the hypothetically observed distribution which 
in this case corresponds to the terms of the binomial expansion 
1000(.l-f-.9) 100 . Similarly from Fig. 5 it is seen that the Gram- 
Charlier series is a much closer approximation to the observed dis- 
tribution than that derived upon the assumption of the normal law. 
In any given case we are naturally confronted with the question : 
What is the best theoretical distribution? We shall consider four 
methods for obtaining an answer. 

The oldest, simplest, and in many instances the most practical, 
is that of comparing graphically or in tabular form the theoretical 
distribution with the one observed. This method is, however, 
inaccurate and qualitative. It does not furnish us with a quantitative 
method of measuring the closeness of fit between theory and practice, 
and in certain instances it is absolutely misleading. It is of interest 
to see how all of these things can be truly said of one and the same 
method. The first two characteristics, that is, oldest and simplest, 
are perhaps readily granted. It remains to be pointed out more 



definitely wherein the method is sadly deficient as a quantitative 
measure, and therefore often misleading; whereas in certain instances 
it may be, nevertheless, the only practical method that can be used. 
Graphical Method. The graphical method itself may be subdivided 
into two parts. Let us consider first the plot of the observed and 
theoretical frequencies. As an example of the unsatisfactory nature 
of this form of comparison, it is of interest to consider certain data 

'Twelve Qce THea>rvM06 Tines, fifHeoH 
or 4, voet, £EoanrD a Socces6-D0t# 



Tneoeerrc&L reconnvcr 
f, r, *",?' "'if" 





















IB 4 



4 93 








74 7 







93 7 





34 1 

S3 7 





J 46 

S3 J 



22, ■ 




















T0 7MJ1 


4 016 







4337 .3062 



re /".if 

Ivor-. ..•ITS. 




i 6139 







f • 



tt-MI PC* -OZb 


02 7 




fr.2 7&7PC l ^-oiZ 

NurtBEe or Successes 
Fig. S 

given by Yule 33 in which 12 dice are thrown 4,096 times, a throw of 
4, 5, or G points being reckoned a success. If the dice are symmetrical 
p = q = / / 2 and the theoretical distribution if given by 4,096 (K + H)' 2 . 
the terms of which as given by Yule are presented in the third column 
of Fig. 8. It is suggested that the reader, before going further, 
consider the graphical and tabular representation of these data. 
The smooth curve is the theoretical distribution 4,096(^+3 / 2) 12 - 
It has been the author's experience to find that in practically every 
instance in which this curve has been shown to an individual for the 
first time that the impression is that which Yule evidently desires 
to produce by the illustration: that is there is a very good fit between 
theory and practice. This distribution is, however, not symmetrical : 
it is skew. The dice used in this experiment were not symmetrical: 
that is, p=f^q. How do we know that these statements are true? 
' Let us consider the normal and second approximation as given 

" Yule— "Introduction to the Theory of Statistics." 


in the fourth, fifth, and sixth columns. 34 Obviously the degree of 
fit is closest for the second approximation, although that between 
the normal distribution and the observed frequencies is closer than 
that between the terms of the binomial expansion and the observed 
frequencies. To be sure, the normal law is only an approximation 
to the point binomial when p = q and &=«. The normal distribu- 
tion, however, is calculated about the observed average 6.139, instead 
of about the theoretical average 6. If the dice are non-symmetrical, 
the average will not be G, and, therefore, the center of the distribution 
will be shifted after the fashion observed. The improvement in fit 
corresponding to the normal distribution is therefore primarily 
attributable to that introduced by shifting the center of the dis- 
tribution indicating that pj^=q. However, if p=£q, the second ap- 
proximation should improve the fit and for either value of k this is 
found to be the case. Thus even though we cannot measure quanti- 
tatively the improvement of fit, the qualitative evidence presented 
in this figure is sufficient to warrant the conclusion that the dice were 
non-symmetrical, and therefore, that the smooth curve is an unsatis- 
factory graduation of the data. In fact, by using a quantitative 
method for measuring the goodness of fit to be discussed in a suc- 
ceeding paragraph, it follows that only 15 times out uf 10,000 can 
we expect a divergence from theory as large or larger than that ex- 
hibited by the frequencies corresponding to the point binomial. 

We have also previously called attention to the fact that in Fig. 7 
the eye does not serve to differentiate satisfactorily between the dis- 
tribution calculated upon the assumption of the normal law and that 
given by the binominal expansion when the conditions under- 
lying the normal law are far from being satisfied. 

Regardless of these criticisms, such graphical methods cannot be 
entirely dispensed with. Thus the graphical representation of the 
data given in Fig. 1 shows very clearly that the distribution is prob- 
ably bimodal, although with no more observations than are available 
it is practically impossible to show that this is true in any other way. 

Instead of plotting the frequency y of occurrence of a variable of 
magnitude x as ordinate, and x as abscissa, the practice is often 
followed of plotting as ordinate the percentage of the total number N 
of observations having magnitudes of .v or less/ 1 - 1 

Any curve <$> (v, .v)=0 may be replaced by a straight line. 36 In 

31 Two values (if k were calculated as indicated in the lower right hand corner 
of the figure. 

85 Heindlhoffer, K. and Sjovall, H. — Endurance Test Data and their Interpre- 
tation — Advance paper presented at the Meeting of the American Society of 
Mechanical engineers, Montreal, Canada, May 28 to 31, 1923. 

"Runge, C— Graphical Methods, p. 53. 



this way we can transform the integral curve into a straight line by 
choosing an .r-scale proportional to the integral from to x of the 
probability curve. 37 When plotted in this way, a normal distribution 
appears as a straight line on such paper. At first it may appear very 
simple to determine whether or not the data conform to a straight 
line, but in practice this is not always so easy. Thus, we have seen 
that the distribution of shots presented in Fig. 5 is not normal, but 

Fig. 9 

when these results are plotted on probability paper we have the 
curve given in Fig. 9. The reader should be cautioned that in such 
a case there is a temptation to consider that the observed points are 
approximately well fitted by the straight line, although this is not 
the case. 

Probability paper could be ruled for different theoretical distribu- 
tions, but in its present form it serves only to determine whether or 
not the distribution is approximately normal. Its use leaves much 
to be desired in the way of a quantitative measure of the degree of 
fit between the theoretical and observed distributions. 

Calculation of a, R\ = V k, and B 2 . Let us consider what informa- 
tion can be obtained as to the best theoretical distribution from only 
a consideration of the first four moments of the observed frequencies. 
Let us consider the values of k and B 2 presented in Table V. These 
have been calculated for the point binomial (£+5)'' where p, q and n 
have been given different values. For the normal law corresponding 
to p = q and «=<», we have k = and B 2 = 3. Thus, if in a practical 

87 Whipple, G. C. — The Elements of Chance in Sanitation — Franklin Institute 
Journal, Vol. 182, July, December, 1916— pp. 37-59 and 205-227. 



O CO O O— i o o 

fO f) fO fO f5 "5 f) ^f 



O O O O ©f3 o 

1 1 1 1 1 1 7 





CO CO & O "J "1 ''I 'f 



-f CMO I— OO VC © 


i- 1 i i i*ys 






OC t- O fO t- iH p 

O O — W "O O «*3 o 

1 1 1 1 77s 

1 ' 1 





O N CO S >D O O 

>— 1 O ^ o> 

1 1 1 1 77s 



COOO^N*'0'( I 



O h n in M 10 ") 

1 1 1 1 722 
1 1 1 



0"+<-' v ocoioioio 


01 r-i cm "■; -f vC •— «-< 




I I I •->-+ m © 
1 1 1 1 I ^ IT} 

11 II 


10 *0 I'- CC Os Os Q\ Cn 


case we find an observed distribution for which k = and /3 2 = 3, it 
is highly probable that the distribution is approximately normal. It 
is true, however, that in sampling from a universe in which p = q and 
»=°°, the observed values of k and /3 2 will seldom be exactly equal to 
and 3 respectively. Then we must ask what range of values may be 
expected in these two factors for distributions which are practically 
normal. For such cases the variations in k and B 2 are practically 

I q I 24 

normal 38 and have standard deviations ok = \ -rr and <r a =-*|-5r 

\ N ft \ N 

where N is the number of observations. Thus, theoretically any 
series of observations for which the calculated values of k and B 2 fall 
within the ranges 0±3<r & and 3±3o- ft ma y have arisen from a normal 
universe. Since, however, the errors o> and a* of sampling are so 
large, this method does not furnish a very practical test for distribu- 
tion consisting of only a few observations. This is particularly 
true since, even for very skew distributions, the values of k and B 2 
do not differ much from and 3 respectively (see Table V). If, how- 
ever, the number of observations is large, the values of k and B 2 in 
themselves often indicate very definitely that the observed frequencies 
are not consistent with the normal law. For example the calculated 
values of k and B 2 given for the inspection data in Table II show 
conclusively that in practically every instance the observed data 
could not have arisen from a normal universe. So long as we do not 
use Pearson's system of curves, all that these two factors indicate 
is that the observed data do or do not conform to the normal law 
and in this respect their use is limited as is that of the probability 
paper mentioned above. 

In order to show that the factor B 2 is not in itself a very sensitive 
measure of the variability from the normal law, I have considered 
the following special case. Let us assume that the observed dis- 
tributions can be grouped into two parts depending upon whether 
or not the observations cluster about the average Xi or Xz measured 
from a point which is the arithmetic mean of the entire distribution 
taken about a common origin. This corresponds to the practical 
case such as that indicated by Fig. 1 which as already pointed out 
often occurs in practice. 

3H For a critical study of the conditions under which the probable errors of 
these constants have a real significance, reference should be made to a discus- 
sion of this problem by Isserlis in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, series 
A, Vol. 92, pp. 23 seq. — 1915. Obviously even for the normal distribution all of 
the moments will be skew. This follows from a consideration of equation 4. 


The value of /3 2 for the entire distribution is then given by the 
following expression : 

/32_ " (2^+2-v*)^ 

*(Xi iM3 2- y i+^ 2M3 2^+^ 4 2-^ «w 2^ 
+ (2-^+2-^ 2 > 

where i/i,- and 2 M« refer to the adjusted ith moments of the observations 
about their respective mean values. Let us assume that X = Xi = X 2 ; 
k l = ko = 0; i/3 2 = 2/3 2 = 3 ; 1^ = 2^; 2 yi = 2 :y2; and ai = a ' wherC 
2^1 and 2>'2 represent the total numbers of observations in the first 
and second groups respectively. It may be shown by substitution in 
this equation that, if |z|=|<xij, fr> = 2.5, whereas, if |x[ = |lO<ri|, /3 2 = 1, 
approximately. Thus, if the numbers of observations in each of the 
two sub-groups are the same and the component curves are normal, 
the value of /3 2 for the entire distribution about the mean of the two 
will, in general, decrease as \x\ becomes large in comparison with 
\ai\. Differences in j3 2 of this magnitude are difficult to establish. 
Furthermore the skewness is zero, and therefore does not indicate 
the bi-modal character of the distribution. 

Let us consider the case where |a A" i| =j^2|; fei = ^2 = 0; 1/32 = 202 = 3; 
2- Vl = a 2 3 ' 2: W = W- If- fl = 1 ° and |Xi|=|o-i| then /3 2 = 8+ whereas 
if |Xi|=|lO<7i|, then j3 2 = 100, approximately. 39 Thus, for compara- 
tively wide differences in the averages, it requires a large number of 
observations in order to increase the precision of j3 2 to such an extent 
as to prove the significance of deviations in this factor of the magnitudes 
noted above. 

The skewness in this case is not zero and its significance could be 
established with a comparatively small number of measurements. In 
any of the above cases a carefully constructed plot would serve to 
indicate the bimodal characteristic of the curve better than the study 
of the factor /3 2 . 

Pearson s Criterion of Goodness of Fit. A much more powerful 

" Here again it should be noted that the values of /3 2 are independent of the 
actual frequencies of each of the two groups and depend only upon the ratio 
of these frequencies and upon the ratio of \Xi\ to <n. 


criterion has been developed by Prof. Pearson 40 in a series of articles 
in the Philosophical Magazine. It is true that this test for goodness 
of fit cannot be used indiscriminately. In fact the application of this 
criterion is subject to numerous limitations clearly set forth in the 
original papers by Pearson and in more recent articles on the mathe- 
matics of statistics. In the use of the method it is necessary that 
these be kept in mind by the individual making the original analysis 
of the data. Irrespective of these facts, however, the method itself is 
one of the most useful tools available for measuring in a quantitative 
way the "goodness of fit" between two distributions. The significance 
of the values of P given in Figs. 5, 6, and 8 now become evident. 

Engineering Judgment. The fourth very practical and one of the 
most useful methods of comparing the theoretical with the observed 
distribution is that of applying common sense or engineering judgment. 
To quote from a recent article of Prof. Wilson 41 we have: "And as 
the use of the statistical method spreads we must and shall appreciate 
the fact that it, like other methods, is not a substitute for, but a 
humble aid to the formation of a scientific judgment." Even with the 
use of all the statistical methods known to the art, it remains im- 
possible to determine the true nature of the complex of causes which 
control a set of observations. We can present plausible explanations, 
but we can never be sure that they are right. Sometimes we can 
present two plausible explanations and then we must fall back on 
engineering judgment or common sense to decide between them. A 
striking illustration of this fact is presented in the following paragraph. 

Prof. Pearson 42 has recently presented measurements of the cephalic 
index of a certain group of skulls. The object of the investigation 
was to determine if variation had gone on to such an extent as to 
indicate the survival of the fitter inside a homogeneous population, 
or the survival of two races both of which were in existence many ages 
in the past. Pearson shows that, by a solution of a nonic equation. 

40 If we divide the entire range of variation into s equal intervals for which 
the observed frequencies are fi, fi,....fs and the corresponding theoretical 
frequencies are fj, fj t f' Pearson calculates the function 

r (f'-ir- 


from which he is able to determine the probability that a series of deviations 
as large as, or larger than, that found to exist could have arisen as a result 
of random sampling. Tables have been prepared which give the probability of 
fit in terms of the number of intervals into which the entire range has been 
divided and of the value of x- 

41 Wilson, E. B. — The Statistical Significance of Experimental Data — science 
—New Series, Vol. 58, 1493, October 10, 1923, pp. 93-100. 

"Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 1, 1901— pp. 110-124. 



he is able to find two component distributions which when added 
together approximate very closely to the observed frequencies. The 
observed data are given in the second column of Table VI and the 
frequencies of Prof Pearson's compound curve are given in the third 
column of the table. The probability of fit between these two dis- 
tributions is seen to be approximately .96, which is indeed very 

Rowgrave Skulls * 




2nd Approxi- 





















































































































































































Probability o 




Ave.=* = 78.S46 
<r= 4.612 
k = .521 

Ave. =02 = 3. 181 
a- z = .178 
«r = .126 

Ave. =«ri = 


* Phil. Mag., Vol. I, 1901, pp. 115-119. 

high, meaning, of course, that 96 times out of 100 we may expect 
to find a system of deviations as large or larger than that actually 
found. The author finds, however, that the theoretical distribution 



(column 4) based upon the assumption of the second approximation is 
also a very close fit to the observed frequencies, the probability of fit 
being in this case .69. As a result of these calculations shall we con- 
clude that the distribution is composed of two normal components as 
indicated in Fig. 10, or shall wc conclude that the distribution is homo- 
geneous? In other words, do the skulls belong to two or to only 









-t ; ^^OB.Mfl^.. , . 

-i— I - . cumjiiiH-iHVfe 

ij l-|'rT~ P"£" ; I«L'c 'ihoi> 


90 35 

Fie. 10 

one race? The measure given by the probability of fit is, of course, 
in favor of the first alternative. It is highly probable, however, that 
if we had been given the observed distribution without any discussion 
of what it meant we would have decided that it probably was con- 
sistent with the assumption of the random system of causes such as 
might underlie the second approximation. 

In other words, if we had been given merely the above set of skull 
measurements, it is reasonable to suppose we might have concluded 
that the distribution was homogeneous. However, when our judgment 
is colored by the facts which cannot be presented in the array of 
observed frequencies we must conclude that it is highly probable 
that the observed data have arisen from a non-homogeneous pop- 

Statistical methods alone do not answer all of the questions that 
aie raised in this problem nor do they answer them in many others. 
There is almost always room for judgment to enter. 

Thus, analyzing a group of measurements of some characteristic 
of a large number of transmitters, it often becomes necessary to 
determine whether or not they can be subdivided into normal com- 



ponents as in the above problem. In our case the subgroups corre- 
spond to different kinds of carbon. Here, as in the data given by 
Pearson, it often has been found necessary to base our final conclusion 
partly upon facts not revealed by the data themselves. 

The integral curves corresponding to the normal and observed 
distributions are given in Fig. 10 in order to show that they do not 


■: -I:: 

Fig. 11 

serve to indicate the difference between the observed and theoretical 
distributions nearly as well as the actual frequency curves also given 
in this figure. Fig. 11 presents the result on probability paper. In 
this case the probability curves are as good as the frequency curves 
for showing the divergence between theory and observation. It will 
be recalled that this is not true for the similar curves given in Fig. 9. 

Summary Statement of Suggested Method to be Followed in 
the Analysis of Engineering and Physical Data 

We have briefly reviewed the different methods for determining 
the best theoretical distribution to represent observed data. The 
following four steps indicate the ordinary procedure: 

1. Obtain the first four corrected moments. 

2. Calculate the average, standard deviation, k and /3 2 , and their 
standard deviations. 

3. Calculate the theoretical distribution of distributions warranted 
by the circumstances. 



4. Apply one or more of the four methods of comparing the theoreti- 
cal and observed distributions to determine which one is 
theoretically the best. 43 

An illustration of the method of applying this form of analysis to 
inspection data on transmitters is indicated in the schematic chart 
Fig. 12. The object of the inspection of apparatus in the process 

Product i/fitilnlrMiTr^Vi) 

Period £Bl* 

No Manufactured _2£ 

Sample Tested' 2^_ 

Characteristic Tested. 



If. - f t )' 

Corrected Momenta 

NumPer of Instruments between I, and L t 

*«. n,tt**~ 4nr>- K.I ^a A"^n i i T rvm M a nUif" if -^ /' 

Fig. 12 

of manufacture is obviously to determine the most probable law of 
distribution, and from this to determine whether or not there is any 
indication of a trend in the quality of the product. In the light of 
what has been said, it is obvious that a complete report of this char- 
acter should contain the items called for in Fig. 12. The corrected 

43 If the observed distribution could not have arisen from a random system 
of causes, it may be advisable to attempt to transform it into an approximately 
random one, such as was done in connection with the data in Fig. 6. 


moments and the factors, such as the average, standard deviation, 
k and (3 2 should be given. These factors provide us with measures of 
the lack of symmetry, and can be used as pointed out in the previous 
sections of this paper. Recording this amount of data makes it 
possible for anyone interested, either to check the calculations of the 
theoretical frequencies and the conclusions derived therefrom, or to 
calculate a different theoretical distribution based upon fundamentally 
different hypotheses in a way such as has been illustrated already 
in the discussion of the distribution of measurements of the cephalic 
index, as given in Fig. 11. 

In most instances, however, it is highly probable that the man who 
originally prepares the chart is charged with the responsibility of 
choosing the best distribution, and, therefore, the chief interest of 
those reading the report is centered upon the conclusions indicated 
therein. The graphical representation of the observed distribution 
by means of the histogram is hopeful. The comparison of this with 
the theoretical curve represented by a solid line shows qualitatively 
whether or not the product is changing. The probability of fit gives 
a quantitative measure of the degree of fit. The set of curves given 
in Fig. 12 is drawn to illustrate a condition which may sometimes 
happen when, for example, the standards used in the machines have 
been changed. This is only typical of the results which may be 
expected. Obviously, the form of such reports designed to meet 
specific conditions will vary. That presented above is only typical 
of one which has been found to be of value in presenting the analysis 
of the results of inspection of certain types of apparatus. 

Some Advantages Derived from a Comparatively Complete 
Statistical Analysis 

It has been pointed out that the value of either a physical or an 
engineering interpretation of data depends upon the success attained 
in deriving the best theoretical distribution. This is the equation 
which fits the observed points best, and which, if possible, can be 
interpreted physically. The previous discussion indicates the way 
in which different causal relationships tend to produce typical fre- 
quency distributions, and also the way in which statistical methods 
may be used in finding a theoretical distribution which yields a 
physical interpretation. 

This point has been illustrated by several examples. It has been 
shown that by a proper choice of theoretical curve a very close ap- 
proximation to an observed distribution can be obtained. This 







-"•0>— it-hcnocnOnOO"-<coO 

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CN IT} -H 

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ifl h o fl O & iO -t C IN h O 

r-l -t io if) fO M -h O 




ma iion 


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OOONf)") l ')N00f)0» l '1NO')'O-'- 

100»CNW50NfO'l'MH * » * 
CN CO 'O 'Ttf< CN »-H *#* 


Q u 



Number of 

roc-lrHO'-'fl'O'fi'l'ONCOaiO'-iNflTl 1 





i Q 

' « 




O on s 

1 «.> w 

~ oo 

•O, W IH b 

O bb 

bo e jy 

Stfl •- 
.■5 t 

— ca 
■A — 

■a £.2 S 

2 Si 

r *i in 



•3 n - 

0, . cr 










5 < 



has already been indicated in Table III. To emphasize this point, 
however, let us consider once more the distribution of alpha particles 
given in Table I. These data together with various theoretical 44 
distributions are given in Table VII. 

Let us consider the data given in Table I by following the pro- 
cedure of analysis outlined in the previous section. The factors k 
and /3 2 when compared with their errors should indicate whether or 
not the distribution is normal. As shown in Table VII, k and 2 
differ from and 3 respectively, by more than 3 times their respective 
standard deviations. As has already been pointed out, this is suffi- 
cient evidence to indicate that the distribution is not normal. In 
order to show, however, that if we follow the next step and calculate 
theoretical distributions based upon the assumption of the different 
laws; that is, in this case, normal, second approximation, and the 
law of small numbers, we are naturally led to the choice of the best 
distribution. This choice is materially influenced by the measure 
of the probability of fit as recorded in the table. The law of small 
numbers is obviously a very close approximation to the observed 

One of the obvious things to do in this problem, but one that has 
not been done previously, is to calculate the values of p, q and n, and 
from them the terms of the binomial expansion 2608(/> + </)". The 
probability of fit between the terms of this, expansion and the observed 
frequencies is the highest given in the table. This increases the 
evidence that the distribution is random. It also does nore. It 
serves to establish the facts that the probability p that an alpha 
particle will strike the screen is .046, and that the maximum number 
of alpha particles which may ever be expected to strike the screen 
is of the order of magnitude of 84. Granted then that we can always 
find the most probable theoretical frequency distribution, let us 
consider next the influence that the result may have in our determina- 
tion of the most probable value, the number of observations between 
any two limits and the casual relationships governing the distribution. 
Let us consider first the dependence of the most probable value upon 
the type of distribution. In our present work in the study of carbon 
the resultant distributions have been in most instances either random 
or such that through a proper transformation they could be reduced 
to such. For any distribution consistent with the second approxima- 

"Thc source of all distributions previously calculated arc indicated. The 
Poisson-Charlier series is similar to the Gram-Charlier series, except that the 
law of small numbers is the generating function. It serves as an admirable 
method of graduating certain classes of skew distribution as illustrated by this 
example and by that given in Table III. 



tion the most probable value is at a distance — — from the arithmetic 


mean. Many distributions have been found for which k lies between 
.5 and unity, and, therefore, this difference is from ^ to 3^ of the 
standard deviation. Thus, the efficiencies of certain standard types 
of transmitters are found to conform to such a law, and the difference 
between the modal and average values is of the order of magnitude of 
0.4 mile. 

Obviously the geometric mean of the sound intensities (Fig. 6) 
and not their arithmetic mean is the most probable. The difference 
between the two is quite large. The difference between the arithmetic 
mean and the modal value for groups of data such as given in Fig. 1, 
Tables II and VI are quite large. To use again the illustration ol 
the alpha particles the observed most probable number is 4; whereas, 
the observed average 45 is 3.87. Judging from the best theoretical 
distribution the most probable number of alpha particles is 3. Choos- 
ing the number 3 it is seen that either of the other two numbers differ 
from this by approximately J^ the standard deviation. Such results 
are, however, not confined to the work of the present investigation 
nor to the examples previously cited as is evidenced by the data given 
in the last column of Table VIII. 


N = Number of 

Source of 










675 Table VI . . . 
Normal Law 











* Elderton "Frequency Curves and Correlation," published by C. & E. Layton, 
London, 1906. 

We should not leave this phase of the discussion, however, without 
pointing out that in a large number of purely physical experiments a 
sufficient number of observations has not been taken to make it pos- 
sible to choose the best theoretical distribution. In general more than 

4S Of course, such an average has no significance, except for a continuous 


100 observations are required. Thus, in Prof. Millikan's 46 determina- 
tion of the electron charge e only 58 observations were made. The 
values of a, k, and /3 2 for this distribution are .128 units, -.196 and 
2.358. Even though the observed distribution is consistent with a 
normal system of causes, values of k and /3 2 may be expected to occur 
which differ from and 3 respectively, as much as these observed 
values do. In this case even if k is real and not a result of random 
sampling, the correction to be added to the average in order to obtain 
the most probable value is insignificantly small. 

Next let us consider the problem of determining the number of 
observations between any two limits. The physicist is ordinarily 
concerned with the probable error : that is, the error such that Yi of 
the observations lie within the range X± probable error. Its mag- 
nitude for the normal distribution is .6745(r, and the errors are dis- 
tributed symmetrically on either side of the average. It is interesting 
to note that the magnitude of the probable error is also .6745<r for 
the second approximation, but that the errors are not distributed 
symmetrically on either side of the average. 

Another important pair of limits is that including the majority 
of the observations. For the normal law 99.73% of the observations 
are included within the range X±Za which, therefore, is often called 
the range. Not a single example has been found, however, of a 
distribution for which the observed number of observations within 
this range is less than 95% even though the distribution is decidedly 
skew. In fact it is seldom less than 98%. If, however, we have a 
case such as that represented in Table II where groups of observa- 
tions have been taken in what is technically known as different 
universes, and then averaged together, the average result is not the 
most probable, and the standard deviation of the average is not 
inversely proportional to the square root of the number of observa- 
tions. Since this point is of considerable importance, it is perhaps 
well to state it in a slightly different way. Thus, let us assume that 
we have a thousand samples of granular carbon which possess inherent 
microphonic efficiencies differing by comparatively large magnitude. 
Transmitters assembled from any one of the groups of carbon cover a 
range of efficiencies. If we choose a sample of 10,000 instruments, 
5,000 from each of two lots of carbon which do not possess the same 
inherent efficiency, we cannot expect, for reasons already pointed 
out, that the observed distribution will be normal. The average of 
these observations will not in general be the most probable value, 
and the standard deviation of the average will not be equal to the 

"Millikan, R. A.— The Electron— University of Chicago Press. 


observed standard deviation divided by the square root of the number 
of observations, in this case 10,000. 

We have already seen, however, that it is possible to detect such 
errors of sampling, since in general the distribution cannot be fitted 
by the second approximation or Gram-Charlier series. If the theo- 
retical distribution is either normal, second approximation, or the 
law of small numbers, the number of observations to be expected 
between any two limits can be readily determined from the tables. 
Experience has shown that in every instance where it has been possible 
to represent the observed distribution in any of these three ways, the 
data obtained in future samplings have always been consistent with 
the results to be expected from the theory underlying these three laws. 
It will be of interest to note the data given in columns 3, 4, and 5 of 
Table VIII and to compare the theoretical percentages (last row) for 
the different limits with those observed. 

In closing it is of interest to point out further the significance of 
some of the results discussed in this paper in connection with the 
inspection of equipment. Here we must decide upon a magnitude 
of the sample to be measured in order to determine the true percentage 
of defective instruments in the product. If p is the percentage 
defective, and q that not defective, then the standard deviation about 
the average number found in a sample of n chosen from N instruments 


In practice, however, we never know the true value of p unless we 
measure all of the apparatus, and this is impractical. In our calcula- 
tions we must therefore use some corrected value. We find, though, 
that the average value of p is in most instances the one that must be 
used. Assuming that we choose a value of p, the distribution of 
defectives in N' samples of n in number will be represented by the 
distribution of N'(p+q)". If one of the samples is found to contain 
a percentage of defectives, which is inconsistent, that is, which is 
highly improbable as determined from the distribution of N'{p-\-q) n , 
it indicates that the product is changing. 

If, however, we take into account the effect of the size of the first 
sample in respect to the second as indicated by Pearson, 47 we see that 
the distribution of N' samples may be different from that given by 
the binomial expansion. In accordance with this theory, if in a first 
sample of 100, 10% of the sample is found to possess a given attribute, 

" Pearson, K. Loc. cit. Foot note 30. 



the distribution of the percentages to be expected in 1,000 such 
samples is indicated by the last column of frequencies in Table III. 
In order to show graphically how this distribution differs from that 

DisTRiftuTiQH of Successes 

OF 1000 SAMPLta 

Num&eb or Successes 

Fig. 13 

corresponding to the binomial expansion these two sets of frequencies 
are reproduced in Fig. 13. The difference between them is a striking 
illustration of the significance of the size of the samples used in con- 
nection with the inspection of equipment, providing we accept Pear- 
son's results.